The Leading AI Headshot Generator for Professionals
Black Backgrounds
Or drag and drop an image to change the background

How to change a photo background to black?
Upload your image
Simply upload the photo you want to edit. Image format can be PNG or JPG, and we support all image dimensions.
Choose your background
Our AI background changer automatically finds your subject, removes the background, and lets you swap in any black background of your choice.
Download the results
Simply wait for the results, and you’re good to download your new image.
What makes our black background changer special?

Make your images stand out
Create professional-quality edits by cutting out all the clutter and unwanted elements. Our AI black background changer works around fine edges and complex designs to leave you with a top-notch subject that’s ready to be placed on any background.

Save time and money
Time is money—we help you save both. Our free black background changer is fast and easy-to-use, so you can spend less time editing and more time enjoying your creations.

Fine-tune every detail
Swap out your background for nature scenes, abstract designs, cityscapes, or your own uploaded photo. Resize, cut objects, remove texts, sharpen the image, and that’s that.
Have a question? We're here to help
Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. Our live agents are available 9am - 5pm (PT), 5 days Monday through Friday.
Enhance your photos and brand with our most popular tools
Touch up your photos even further with our suite of photo editing tools and features