How our free AI headshot generator works
Upload your photo
Drag and drop or click to select your headshot photo. We support all major formats such as JPG, HEIC, PNG.
Generate your headshot
Adjust settings and click 'Generate' to create your professional headshot using our AI technology.
Download your headshot
Once generated, review your headshot and download it in high resolution for your use.
What makes our free AI headshot generator special?
Simple and easy
Simply upload your photo, and let our AI do the rest. No technical skills required—it’s easier than posting to Instagram.
High-quality headshots
Fine-tune your headshot with intuitive tools that let you adjust depth, lighting, and details with precision.
Lightning-fast headshots
Well, maybe not that fast—but, still, really fast. Get your free AI headshot in minutes (not hours).
Flexible customization
Outfits, poses, backgrounds, expression—our tool does it all. It’s built to tool is built to handle the demands of professionals who need high-quality headshots for multiple use cases.
How will you use your free AI headshot?
Polish Your Social Media Profile
Boost your social media presence with professional-level profile pictures. Use our free AI headshot generator to get just the right look.
Privacy first to protect your data will never sell your information.
Advanced Encryption
Your data deserves the best protection. We encrypt all sensitive user data.
We will never sell your data will never sell your data to any third party.
You're in control
We will never use your photos to train new AI models without your permission.
Live support
Contact us anytime from 7 AM to 10 PM, Monday to Friday (PST), to receive assistance from our live customer support specialists.
"I love! It created some excellent photos for me."
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Have more questions? You can email us at or try our live chat. We are here to assist you.
Where can generated profile pics be used?
How can the generated profile pics be used?
What happens with my photo after upload?
What photo formats are supported?