The Leading AI Headshot Generator for Professionals
Free Email Signature Generator
Impress your email recipients with our custom-made email signatures. Create your free signature and conclude those emails with a great impression!
Over 25,000,000 AI headshots generated for 1,000,000+ professionals

Effortless Email Signature Creation

Pre-Made Templates
Creating an email signature can be challenging without any expertise in design. Our custom signature maker simplifies the process using pre-made templates — just add your details and images, and your polished signature is ready in minutes!

Customizable Colors
Align your email signature with your company’s brand using the color customization feature. Adjust themes, text, and buttons with the color picker or input a hex code for a personalized touch.

Clickable Social Media Buttons
Traditional email signatures often lack details other than your name, job title, and company, but ours include clickable social media icons. Link your profiles directly and make it easy for email recipients to connect with you online.

Real-Time Previews
Say goodbye to test emails — our built-in preview feature lets you see your edits in real time. Ensure your design looks just like you intended without the guesswork.

Easy Updating Guidelines
We’ve provide simple, step-by-step instructions to update your email signature across major platforms like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and Apple Mail. Transition effortlessly to your new professional signature!
How Does It Work?
Step 1: Select a template
Choose your preferred design from the three available templates. Each template determines the alignment of your photo and personal details.
Step 2: Update your information
On the second tab, input your personal details. You may input the following:
- Name
- Job title
- Department
- Company
- Phone number
- Website URL
- Email address
- Office Address
Step 3: Pick the colors you want to use
Change the colors of your email signature using the color picker tool or by entering a hex code. You can customize the overall theme, text, and even the social media icons.
Step 4: Add your social media links
If you want to include your LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter) profile links in your email signature, simply copy and paste the links into the correct fields. The respective buttons will be added automatically.
Step 5: Add a headshot
To include a headshot, copy and paste the image’s URL into the designated field.
Do you have an outdated headshot, and don’t have a professional photo? Try Aragon’s Professional AI Headshot Generator!
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Enhance your photos and brand with our most popular tools
Touch up your photos even further with our suite of photo editing tools and features
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AI Generated by Aragon

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AI Generated by Aragon

AI Generated by Aragon

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