
Professional Model Headshots: 18 Tips to Capture Your Look

Learn how to take professional model headshots for any look, role, or budget with must-follow tips and a little help from artificial intelligence.

Wesley Tian
Wesley Tian
Professional Model Headshots: 18 Tips to Capture Your Look

Professional Model Headshots: 18 Tips to Capture Your Look

Professional model headshots don't happen by accident. You need experience, know-how, and a handy-dandy tool or two to get the perfect shot. Fortunately, we can help with everything you need to capture your look and get even the most seasoned casting directors to do a double-take.

Whether you're a seasoned model or just dipping your toes into modeling, the perfect headshot can be the difference between your next gig or heartbreak.

But it's not all about guaranteeing a perfect hair day, though. Its:

  • Nailing the look
  • Choosing the right outfit
  • Finding a good background
  • Dialing in your lightning
  • Playing with angles
  • Embracing subtleties

Now, don't let all of that intimidate you. Aragon.ai is here to hold your hand throughout the entire modeling headshot process. We'll even show you how to use our AI generator to streamline these tips and skip straight to high-quality professional model headshots.

First, let's get into the nitty-gritty behind how to take model headshots.

How to Take Professional Model Headshots

Taking a model headshot is about more than just the camera and the photographer. Sure, those things can help, but all the other teeny-tiny details make up a much bigger piece of the perfection pie. Here, we'll show you everything you need to know to take professional model headshots (without breaking the bank).

1. Come Up With a Game Plan

Make a game plan before you step in front of the camera. This isn't just about knowing your good side (we all have one)—it's about knowing the look you want. And what's the purpose?

Are you sending model headshots for a specific casting call, or are you updating your social media profile? While you'll always have some generic model headshots on hand, sometimes you might want to take special ones for a particular gig.

Coming up with a game plan helps you plan the details:

  • Expressions
  • Poses
  • Makeup
  • Outfits
  • Backgrounds
  • Lightning

2. Capture Your Unique Look

You have a special something that makes you, well, you. Everyone is different—and your model headshot should capture that. Everything from your poses to your outfits should scream your unique identity.

Find that certain something that makes you special. It could be your:

  • Freckled face
  • Contagious smile
  • Piercing eyes
  • Whimsical hair
  • Long eyelashes

Once you know the secret sauce, it's time to capture it. You might do that through close-ups, different angles, or specific lighting. Experiment and find what feels right.

3. Decide on Your Expressions

It's a headshot, and your face makes up the majority of it. Everything from your eyes and lips to your nose and the tilt of your head influences the image's mood. Be intentional.

Are you aiming for a friendly, inviting look or something more serious and commanding? Think about it. An Old Navy model will look very different than a perfume or makeup model. What look do you want?

4. Keep Makeup Natural

When it comes to makeup, less is more. Unless, of course, you're trying to be a makeup model—then, by all means, go to town. Honestly, you're better off just applying your makeup as you normally would.

That's going to make for the most natural, candid shot. And those tend to showcase the real you the best.

5. Go for a Simple Wardrobe

When it comes to your wardrobe, think clean, classic, and simple. This isn't the time for that neon sweater or leopard-print jeans. Stick to solid: navy, gray, beige. These are your best friends for model headshots.

Skip the patterns and logos. They tend to steal the spotlight, and your headshot isn't about them. It's about you and your face. Layering is OK—just don't overdo it. You can add a nice blazer over a simple top to add depth and personality but try not to overcomplicate things.

6. Try Different Outfits

Who says you have to stick to one look? Experiment with different outfits to see what feels best. Transporting your entire wardrobe to a headshot session can be a hassle, but using a solution like Aragon.ai makes it downright simple.

Aragon.ai lets you virtually try on plenty of outfits and styles without stuffing your trunk with wrinkly shirts and blouses. You're welcome.

7. Practice Your Poses

Strike your pose. Then another, and then another. Practice your poses before the headshot sessions, so you're comfortable and confident when the camera turns on.

Do it in front of a mirror, and see how you look with different angles and expressions. Try a variety of poses, from more formal, straight-on shots to relaxed, off-center angles.

Don't worry. Nobody is watching. Do your thing.

Want to skip the mirror rehearsal? Try Aragon.ai. Our AI generator creates your headshot with different poses and backgrounds—without the awkward cues from your photographer.

8. Choose Quality Over Quantity

Always shoot for quality over quantity. Casting directors (and your portfolio) don't need dozens of mediocre headshots—they just need a handful of good ones.

Make each picture count. Each should be unique and have a special purpose. For each image you add to your portfolio or application, think, "Why did I add this image? What does it communicate? Do I need it, or does another headshot capture this, too?"

9. Light It Up

Lighting makes or breaks your headshot. Shadows aren't necessarily a bad thing, and neither are highlights. They can both be your friends (if you know how to use them).

Natural light, studio light, outdoor shots. Side lighting, frontal lighting, backlighting. It all has a place in your model headshot. Experiment with different setups to see which gives you the best result.

10. Go Natural

Take your model headshot session outside for some fresh air. Natural settings can add some creative elements to your photos:

  • Warm, natural lighting
  • Background variety
  • Mood setting
  • Golden hours

Find a location you love. It could be a green park or an urban brick wall. You might do your shoot early in the morning or late afternoon—each tiny detail gives your final headshot that special something.

11. Be Intentional With Your Background

Your background can be a creative, dynamic part of your headshot. Just remember—the headshot should be about you and nothing else. It's all about putting the focus on you, and nothing should detract from that.

When in doubt, keep it simple. Use a plain, neutral-colored wall. Its only purpose is to compliment you.

If you want something a bit more dynamic, you can choose a setting that maybe reflects your mood or the role you want. For example, consider the following models:

  • Athletic Model: Sports or athletic wear models might use a track, gym, or outdoor trail as a backdrop.
  • High-End Fashion Model: Take your headshots on the streets of a chic urban area or against the smart lines of modern architecture.
  • Swimwear Model: Consider a beach or poolside setting. Use natural light and the water's reflection to give it a summery feel.
  • Commercial Model: A café, park, or other everyday setting usually works well for commercial models.

12. Back It Up

While you'll want that stereotypical mid-chest-up model headshot, mix in some other styles, too. Start with a close-up shot, and then back it up:

  • Close-up Shots: These are your soul-bearing photos. Show off your eyes and catch the subtleties in a smirk.
  • Shoulder-Up Shots: Zoom out a bit and show some more personality. Now, you can see a bit more of the background and wardrobe.
  • Waist-Up Shots: Half the body, but double the fun. These shots let you start using your hands and different poses.
  • Full-Body Shots: The whole package—head to toe. Whether it's strutting the runway or posing for a fashion editorial, full-body shots are your personal brand's FAQ section.

13. Maintain Eye Contact

The camera lens is the window to your audience's soul—stare it down. Lock eyes, make the connection, and make your audience feel it:

  • The Power Stare: Let your gaze say, "I'm here, and I mean business."
  • The Soft Focus: It's less about laser focus and more about inviting the viewer into a gentle moment. Think of it as a visual handshake, warm and welcoming.
  • The Glance Away: Sometimes, a slight look away can add a hint of mystery or pensiveness to your shot. Use it sparingly, but use it.

14. Play With Angles

Play around and see what works best for you. Each slight change adds a new aspect to your personality—find the ones you want to highlight.

A slight tilt of your chin can make the difference between serious and sassy. Shuffling your shoulders can either scream confidence or exude relaxed, casual vibes. Experiment with turning your body away from the camera and looking back with just your face.

15. Stay True to You

Your headshot captures a single moment in time, so naturally, it's hard to capture everything that makes you wonderful and unique. Just avoid the temptation to be anything you're not. If it feels inauthentic, awkward, or uncomfortable, ditch it—that's not you.

You're a model. This is what you do. Be unabashedly you.

Infuse your personality into every pose. If you're naturally playful, let that come through. More on the introspective side? That's cool, too.

Choose outfits you want to wear. Ones that make you feel confident, handsome, and sexy. When you feel great, you look great.

Don't feel pressured to fit a mold. Your best look isn't always the biggest smile or the fiercest glare—it's the expression that feels most natural to you.

16. Be Confident

Confidence is your number one accessory (and it's free). It's not about being perfect—it's about being unapologetically you. Embrace your strengths, own your space, and command attention. That's the role of a model.

You want the job? Be confident. Be confident from the moment you take your first picture, and be confident when you choose your final headshots.

It's OK to be nervous. Just don't let it hurt your esteem or look.

17. Give Feedback

Your headshot session isn't a photoshoot. This time, you're the boss. Speak up and let your voice be heard.

Share your thoughts with your photographer. It's all about finding that sweet spot where you feel like yourself, and sometimes, that means tweaking things as you go. Trust me, a good photographer will welcome your input—they want to capture your best self, just like you do.

Also, keep the dialogue open when reviewing the shots in real time (if possible). Immediate feedback helps you make the adjustments you need to get the perfect shot.

It's your face, your model headshot, and your career—be an active participant in the process.

18. Nail Your Headshot with AI

Aragon.ai's AI headshot generator is like a high-tech photographer obsessed with making you look good. Except, it actually knows how to pull it off. Our headshot generator uses real examples and algorithms to capture your best look:

  • Backgrounds: Take your photoshoot to the beach or the studio—all from the comfort of your couch.
  • Poses: Our AI suggests different poses to complement your features, helping you look cool and confident.
  • Outfits: You choose the vibe from classic to contemporary, casual to corporate. Our AI gives you the styles you need to polish off your look.

Aragon.ai saves you hundreds of dollars and hours of time. Plus, we offer a money-back guarantee. If you don't love your pictures, you can get a full refund. Try it for yourself.

Take Better Professional Model Headshots with Aragon.ai

Ready to step up your professional model headshot game without stepping out the door? Meet Aragon.ai—the most realistic AI headshot generator ever.

Just upload a few pictures, then sit back and relax while our AI works its magic. You'll get dozens of high-quality headshots to look through—just pick your favorites and get back to work.

No more scheduling hassles, unpredictable weather, or renting studio space. With Aragon.ai, you can whip up a perfect headshot in minutes—right from the comfort of your own home:

  • Save Time and Money: No more hefty fees for photographers or day-long shoots. Get headshots at a fraction of the cost and time.
  • Customize to Your Heart's Desire: Play around with different backgrounds, poses, and styles until you find the perfect match.
  • Trusted by Professionals: Join the 756K+ users who trust Aragon.ai to find their perfect headshot.

Don't just take our 5-star reviews and rave comments, though. See for yourself. Try Aragon.ai today to take your perfect professional model headshots.

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